Thursday, March 5, 2015

Why churches must move beyond doing medical missions?

Last week, I was invited to join a medical mission in celebration of a church anniversary. I politely declined. The organizers insisted that I reconsider because the date is fast approaching and most doctors they have approached also declined. She wondered what was the reason doctor's often do not join medical missions anymore. I wrote about this previously so I shared to her the 3 reasons why doctors don't join medical missions.

For the same reasons, churches must move beyond this approach and "level up" their Christian health care ministries. Here are three reasons why:

1. There is a better health care ministry. "Better" means there is an approach to health ministry that addresses the current health concerns of individuals and communities. Medical missions have their own place and purpose but it has limitations. If we want to have churches that ministers with impact to the needs of the people, we must shift to a better ministry.

2. It is not sustainable. Medical missions are usually one-and-done events. It is a Band-Aid approach to health care system problem that has a deep wound. Churches need to empower people and communities to take control of their own health. This ensures the health impact of the ministry is sustainable beyond the life of the event.

3. It is not the strength of the church.  There are different health activities in the health spectrum. Medical missions are usually secondary health care activities performed by professional healthcare workers. How many of them are members of the church ready to volunteer their service? It is not surprising that outside volunteers are needed, sometimes hired. Med missions are useful in situations where the health care system is disrupted or absent like during disasters. This is actually the primary function of the state. I wonder how many med missions are coordinated with the state. The church has a role in people's health, that is primary health care. Researches have shown that the Christian health care programs are effective and efficient in health promotion and disease prevention activities.

The church must continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in ministering to the sick and needy. The church must do its work excellently and responsibly. Churches must have better health care ministries that are sustainable and appropriate to the needs of the people.


Join the Church Health Ministry FB Group Page to know other church health ministries.  
Learn how to start a Health Ministry in your church. Invite us to help you conduct seminars and workshops. 
I'd love to hear from you. Share your insights and thoughts in the comment below. 

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